Overcoming the 5 Star Reviews Hesitation: Encouraging Honest Reviews

In the world of short-term rentals, 5 star reviews are the pinnacle of success. However, some hosts encounter a unique challenge: guests who are reluctant to leave a perfect rating due to a belief that nothing can be truly flawless. This mindset can hinder the accurate reflection of their experience. Let's explore why this happens and how hosts can encourage more 5 star reviews.

Understanding the Hesitation

Some guests hold the notion that a 5-star review should be reserved for absolutely perfect experiences. They might think, “Was this stay as good as a luxury hotel?” or “Could anything have been even slightly better?” This mindset leads to four-star reviews even when they have no significant complaints.

Communication is Key

  • Set the Right Expectations: Clearly communicate what guests can expect. This transparency helps in aligning their expectations with the reality of your rental.
  • Explain the Impact of Reviews:  Educate guests about the importance of reviews in the short-term rental industry. Let them know how a 5-star review reflects their satisfaction with the overall experience, not necessarily perfection.


Personally, I employ two methods to educate guests about the review process. The first is incorporating the 'Review Gouge,' found at the bottom of this page, into the content of the welcome booklet. The second method involves sending guests a link to a video on check-out procedures one day before their departure. At the end of this video, I have also included the Review Guide content.

Personal Touches Make a Difference

  • Welcome Note:  A personalized welcome note can create an immediate positive impression.
  • Local Recommendations: Providing a list of your favorite local spots shows thoughtfulness and enhances their overall experience. Seek and Implement Feedback

Seek and Implement Feedback

  • Mid-Stay Check-In:  Reach out to guests during their stay to ask if everything is to their satisfaction. This not only shows that you care but also allows you to address any issues before they leave.
  • Post-Stay Feedback:  After their departure, ask for private feedback on what could be improved. This demonstrates your commitment to constant improvement and may lead to better public reviews.

Create an Exceptional Experience

  • Amenities:  Offer amenities that add comfort and convenience to their stay.
  • Cleanliness and Maintenance:  Ensure your property is impeccably clean and well-maintained.

After the Stay

  • Thank You Message:  Send a personalized thank you message expressing your hope that they enjoyed their stay.
  • When you do this, thank them for taking care of your place, and tell them you will be leaving them 5 stars (if appropriate)..

Here is the important “gouge” on BnB Reviews

Airbnb's Guide to Star Ratings:

  • ⭐ 1 Star = Terrible
  • ⭐⭐ 2 Stars = Bad
  • ⭐⭐⭐ 3 Stars = OK
  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 Stars = Good
  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐5 Stars = Great

We aim to provide a 5-star experience and value honest feedback. If you adhere to the house rules, communicate effectively, and leave the home in a good state, we will gladly give you a 5-star review and recommend you to other hosts.

We also encourage you to review us. If anything about our home or hospitality falls short of your expectations, please let us know immediately so we can make it right. We strive for 5-star reviews and understand that perfection is a high bar. However, part of our commitment to excellence is how we respond to and resolve any issues our guests might encounter.
It's important to note that some guests do not mention issues during their stay, only to bring them up in their review. This approach is unfair, as it doesn't give us a chance to address the problem. For example, we once had guests who were unhappy with the size of our refrigerator but didn't communicate this need despite our check-in calls. They later reflected this in their review, despite information about the fridge size being available in the welcome booklet and the option to request a larger one. To prevent such situations, we have now increased our refrigerator and freezer space.

Therefore, we request that you communicate any issues directly to us, allowing us the opportunity to address them and ensure your stay is 5-star worthy. If your personal rating philosophy is such that you reserve 5-star ratings for perfection or choose not to give perfect scores, we respectfully ask that you refrain from leaving a review. While we welcome constructive criticism, a 4-star review, especially when accompanied by comments that everything was "great," can be misleading and detrimental to our business. Our goal is to provide an outstanding experience, and clear, honest feedback is crucial for us to maintain this standard.


The reluctance to leave 5 star reviews can stem from a misconception of what the rating represents. It's not always about luxury or perfection, but about meeting and exceeding expectations. By openly communicating, adding personal touches, and actively seeking feedback, hosts can shift this paradigm and encourage guests to leave honest, reflective reviews.